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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sorry about that...

I realized when checking the blog this morning that I had not actually posted the music that I had written yesterday.  Instead, I had merely saved it as a draft.  As you can see by the following graphic (for those of you who have never used Blogger before), the buttons are next to each other:

So instead of a post yesterday, all I had was a nice, tidy little draft sitting in my account.  A lot of good that did me :)

On another note, please pray for me over the next few days.  I'm experiencing a couple of computer problems that, God willing, won't affect the blog itself, but make the actual composition very slow and tedious.  I'd appreciate any prayers you can offer for me, and I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me verbally, monetarily, and through comments on the blog so far.

Non nobis,

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