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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Houston, We Have a Problem...

Hi, guys.  I'm still having problems with my internet connection.  We're trying out a VOIP phone service, and I think it's taking its toll.  I promise I'll have the pieces up again as soon as possible.

Non nobis,

Saturday, August 16, 2008

8/16/08 Intercessions - 19th OT

Today's piece is short and sweet, finishing out the week.  For some reason, this week's voice leading has been much easier, and I have no idea why.  Go figure!

Non nobis,

Friday, August 15, 2008

8/15/08 Magnificat - 19th OT

How fitting that today's piece, on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, should be the Magnificat!  Happy feast day, everyone!

Non nobis,

Thursday, August 14, 2008

8/14/08 Responsory - 19th OT

This piece follows my usual form for responsories.

Non nobis,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

8/13/08 Canticle - 19th OT

I am very sorry for the gap in posting.  I've been having trouble getting a constant internet connection on my laptop for the past couple of days, and as such I've been unable to post the music that I've written.  I have written music for every day, however, so I'll be updating the site over the next few days until things are running smoothly again.  Look for updated visitors maps, as well!

Non nobis,

Saturday, August 9, 2008

8/9/08 Intercessions - 18th OT

Here's today's.  Your prayers for a personal intention would be greatly appreciated.

Non nobis,

Friday, August 8, 2008

8/8/08 Magnificat - 18th OT

I'm very sorry for the rather late posting.  The music is done, however, and here it is.

Non nobis,

Thursday, August 7, 2008

8/7/08 Responsory - 18th OT

I think the layout is self-explanatory here.  Just in case it isn't, however, I'll explain.  The first versicle and response each get a measure.  The second pair gets the same two measures.  Then, the doxology gets the next two measures, with the response getting the same two measures as before.  Man, will this be easier when I can just write out the lyrics.

Non nobis,

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

8/6/08 Canticle - 18th OT

Nothing out of the ordinary today.  Happy Feast of the Transfiguration!

Non nobis,

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

8/5/08 Second Psalm - 18th OT

The sopranos start out today's piece, and they are joined by the rest of the choir for the second half of the antiphon and the entire verse.

Non nobis,

Monday, August 4, 2008

8/4/08 First Psalm - 18th OT

I apologize in advance to tenors for the octave-ranged part.  It'll be more fun that way, right?  ...Right?

Non nobis,

Sunday, August 3, 2008

8/3/02 Versicles - 18th OT

I almost forgot to post this tonight, but here it is.

Non nobis,

Saturday, August 2, 2008

8/2/08 Intercessions - 17th OT

Happy Breviary Day!  OK, so there's no such thing as Breviary Day.  It's what I like to call the day when you change volumes of the Breviary.  Tonight we say Evening Prayer I of the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and thus need to switch to Volume IV.  So Happy Breviary Day, everyone, and here's the piece for today.

Non nobis,

Friday, August 1, 2008

8/1/08 Magnificat - 17th OT

Well, it's the beginning of my fourth calendar month with this project.  Thanks for your continued prayers and support.  Here's today's piece.

Non nobis,