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Monday, June 30, 2008

6/30/08 First Psalm - 13th OT

For those systems with three lines in stead of four, the third recitation measure should be skipped.

Non nobis,

Sunday, June 29, 2008

6/29/08 Versicles - 13th OT

I'm going to go ahead and assume that the opening and closing versicles, being in such common use and knowledge, are public domain.  I just pray it doesn't turn into another "Happy Birthday" situation.  Still no news on permission to use the other text.

Non nobis,

Saturday, June 28, 2008

6/28/08 Intercessions - 12th OT

Happy Pauline Year!  May the Lord bless us and help us to follow in the footsteps of the Apostle to the Gentiles!

Non nobis,

Friday, June 27, 2008

6/27/08 Magnificat - 12th OT

I figure I had better not put any more text up until I get permission.  If you have a breviary or access online, you should be able to follow along (I've included slurs for the melismatic passages and everything else is monosyllabic).

Non nobis,

New Feature

Check the bottom of the bar to the left to see who has visited us, either by US state or country!  You can click on each map to see a larger version.  I have to update them manually, so I'll try to keep it up to date as much as possible.  If for some reason you don't see your state/country listed, let me know and I'll fix it.

Non nobis,

Thursday, June 26, 2008

6/26/08 Responsory - 12th OT

Just a reminder to please keep me and this project in your prayers, so that I don't have to take down the text from every file up here.

Non nobis,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

6/25/08 Canticle - 12th OT

I desperately need your prayers for this blog.  I just found out today that, technically, I'm not supposed to be putting the texts for these songs on the internet because they are copyrighted.  I just assumed that because they were all liturgical, one could use them for whatever he pleased.  Well, apparently the translations are all copyrighted, so I have to obtain permission from three different agencies in order to even use the text.  That means that I also can't copyright my settings of these texts—literally just the music on the page.  So pray for me as I write these corporations, that they will realize that I'm not doing this for profit and let me use the texts.

Non nobis,

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

6/24/08 Second Psalm - 12th OT

Stems will be removed later.  Labels underwent an overhaul to avoid duplicate publishing, so I hope that doesn't prove to be an inconvenience.

Non nobis,

Monday, June 23, 2008

6/23/08 First Psalm - 12th OT

Here's today's.  I'm working on yesterdays.

Non nobis,

Sunday, June 22, 2008

6/22/08 Versicles - 12th OT

Words and formatting to come tomorrow.  On a lighter note, "twelfth" is one of those words that ceases to look/sound correct when spelled/said several times in a row.  Try it, and be sure to include the F.  Weird, huh?

Non nobis,

Saturday, June 21, 2008

6/21/08 Intercessions - 11th OT

And another week comes to a close.  Any suggestions for next week?  Any particular keys or conventions to use throughout the week?

Non nobis,

Friday, June 20, 2008

6/20/08 Magnificat - 11th OT

I realized not only that there numerous text formatting issues on some recent entries, but that the First Psalm for this week was accidentally written in Eb Major, as opposed to E Major.  It should definitely be E Major.  I'll change these when I have some spare time.

Non nobis,

Thursday, June 19, 2008

6/19/08 Responsory - 11th OT

I fixed the words on yesterday's piece.  Please continue to pray for the project if you get a chance, especially that I can find a way to start having audio files available on the site.  Thanks!

Non nobis,

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

6/18/08 Canticle - 11th OT

Words and formatting to come tomorrow—the suspense is killing you I'm sure.  Seriously, though, I hope to find a time to fit in the writing of these pieces earlier in the day, so hopefully they'll be posted earlier in the future.

Non nobis,

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

6/17/08 Second Psalm - 11OT

This is the first time I've had to reduce the staff size so that I could get all of the lyrics on one line.  Hopefully that just means that it's a long sentence, and not that I have too many notes :)

Non nobis,

Monday, June 16, 2008

6/16/08 First Psalm - 11th OT

Regarding text and formatting, see the above note.

Non nobis,

Sunday, June 15, 2008

6/15/08 Versicles - 11th OT

The formatting for this piece will be completed tomorrow.  Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!  You are in my prayers, and may God continue to bless you.

Non nobis,

Saturday, June 14, 2008

6/14/08 Intercessions - 10th OT

The words for this will come either this evening or tomorrow.  My brother, uncle, and I are taking my father and grandfather out for Father's Day, and we may not get back until very late.  But at least the music's done :)

The verses are to be sung by the Celebrant/Cantor alternating with the Choir, as usual.

Non nobis,

Friday, June 13, 2008

6/13/08 Magnificat - 10th OT

I struggled with setting this antiphon metrically, but the rhythm below hit me all of a sudden.  I'd like to think that it was the Holy Spirit whispering in my ears, but wouldn't we all?  I won't go so far as to say that.  Whatever it was, though, it fit just right.

Non nobis,

Thursday, June 12, 2008

6/12/08 Responsory - 10th OT

CQ has joined Facebook!  Become a fan here.  Thank you for your continued prayers.

Non nobis,

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

6/11/08 Canticle - 10th OT

I put the words on yesterday's piece, but I still need to fix the barlines.

In more exciting news, CQ had its first international visitor (from Canada) last Friday and its first intercontinental visitors (from Australia and Europe) today.  All three were referred from the Catholic blog directories listed on the left, and I am grateful to both those directories.  If you know of any other groups I can join, please let me know.  I feel that this project can be used as a powerful evangelization tool; not only to those who aren't Catholic, but to those Catholics who do not follow the tradition and guidelines (both pre- and post-conciliar) of the Church.  This will be especially true once I can get the audio files up and running, but in the meantime we can still be advertising and raising awareness of the blog.  Be sure to tell your friends, too!

Non nobis,

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

6/10/08 Second Psalm - 10th OT

Today's psalm is where my motto, "non nobis," comes from.  As such, it would have been nice to do a through-composed work of more solemnity.  However, as it is, not even the words are on it yet due to a lack of time.  I'll have them on later.

Non nobis,

Monday, June 9, 2008

6/9/08 First Psalm - 10th OT

I do indeed have internet access!  It's a little sluggish, but it'll do fine.  Without further ado, here's today's piece!

Non nobis,

Sunday, June 8, 2008

6/8/08 Versicles - 10th OT

Just a heads-up: I will be out of town from tomorrow until Friday.  I believe I will have internet access where I am going; however, if I do not, I will still write the music each day and post all five new songs when I get back.

Non nobis,

Saturday, June 7, 2008

6/7/08 Intercessions - 9th OT

Yet another week under my belt!  I have to say that, going into this project, I was a little nervous.  However, after a little more than two weeks, I feel confident that I'll be able to finish (God willing).  Again, I thank you for all your prayers and support.  I can't tell you how much it means to me.

Non nobis,

Friday, June 6, 2008

6/6/08 Magnificat - 9th OT

This piece has some nuances that merit a brief explanation.  The parallel fourths moving from measure three into measure four create tension (representative of the tension of feeling unworthy in the sight of the Lord) that is resolved in the final elaborate final cadence (reminiscent of His healing power, bought for us despite our unworthiness).  It marks a couple of firsts: (1) the first time I've used extensive cross-voicing and (2) the first time I've used a duple in compound meter.

I'd also like to ask, at this point, that if anyone sees an engraving mistake (a "typo" in the printing of the music itself—a misaligned lyric or a flipped note stem), please let me know by commenting on the post.  Even if it was a while ago, I'd still appreciate hearing about it so I can correct not only the copy posted here but my own personal copy as well.  Thanks so much for supporting me through this.

Non nobis,

Thursday, June 5, 2008

6/5/08 Responsory - 9th OT

In addition to adding the words to yesterday's piece, I also lightened the banner.  I'd gotten a lot of comments about how difficult it was to read the words, so here you go!  Hopefully, it will be a bit easier now :)

Non nobis,

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

6/4/08 Canticle - 9th OT

I'm very sorry, but the words will come tomorrow.

Non nobis,

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

6/3/08 Second Psalm - 9th OT

First, I fixed the stems on the verses of the first psalm for this week.  They are now no longer there :)

Second, today's piece sets one of my all-time favorite psalms.  I'm not even sure why, really.  It may be the sense of comfort knowing that we are members of a kingdom watched over by a God whose presence alone causes the very land to tremble.  In any case, the more of these two-part pieces I write, the more I hear them with two solo cantors, as opposed to a two-part choir.  I know I said either was possible on Sunday, but I've changed my mind.  They should be performed as a duet if at all possible.

Non nobis,

Sorry about that...

I realized when checking the blog this morning that I had not actually posted the music that I had written yesterday.  Instead, I had merely saved it as a draft.  As you can see by the following graphic (for those of you who have never used Blogger before), the buttons are next to each other:

So instead of a post yesterday, all I had was a nice, tidy little draft sitting in my account.  A lot of good that did me :)

On another note, please pray for me over the next few days.  I'm experiencing a couple of computer problems that, God willing, won't affect the blog itself, but make the actual composition very slow and tedious.  I'd appreciate any prayers you can offer for me, and I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me verbally, monetarily, and through comments on the blog so far.

Non nobis,

Monday, June 2, 2008

6/2/08 First Psalm - 9th OT

Another two-part 9/8 piece.  There's something about 9/8 being triplets of triplets, so to speak, that appeals to me.  Maybe it's the lilt.  In any case, this week's will probably all feature 9/8 in one spot or another.

Non nobis,

Sunday, June 1, 2008

6/1/08 Versicles - 9th OT

I decided to try something a bit different this week.  As you will see, the piece is in a two-part texture.  This can be performed either with a two-part choir or two soloists.

Non nobis,