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Saturday, May 31, 2008

5/31/08 Intercessions - 8th OT

This marks the end of the second complete celebration I've composed.  I've gone from 0 to 2 celebrations in less than five minutes!

Non nobis,

5/31/08 Intercessions - Corpus Christi

This piece marks a couple of things.  First, the end of the composition of the Corpus Christi Evening Prayer II, which is my first full celebration composed for this project.  Woo!  Second, it marks the beginning of labels for the posts, so that hopefully they will be easier to navigate once they become more numerous.

Non nobis,

Friday, May 30, 2008

5/30/08 Magnificat - 8th OT

I found a new way of justifying the lyrics to make them a bit easier to read, so I'm excited :)

Non nobis,

5/30/08 Magnificat - Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi's pieces have been shaping up to be some of my favorites.  Well, from among those I've written, anyway.  However, I have to say that I'll be glad once I'm back to writing only one piece per day.  It generally takes between 30-45 minutes to write each piece, and it will be nice to have the extra time again.

Non nobis,

Thursday, May 29, 2008

5/29/08 Responsory - 8th OT

I kept humming a major version of the responsory for Corpus Christi that I had written earlier today, so I decided to set this responsory to a similar tune.  At first I was afraid they'd be too similar, but I like the way they both turned out.

Non nobis,

5/29/08 Responsory - Corpus Christi

Finally, a complete piece is up the first time!  I knew I'd get the hang of this one of these days...

Non nobis,

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

5/28/08 Canticle - 8th OT

More verses with the same music on this one, too.

Non nobis,

5/28/08 Canticle - Corpus Christi

I fixed a bunch of stuff from the previous entries.  I'll add the rest of the verses to this tomorrow, but the music won't change.

Non nobis,

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

5/27/08 Second Psalm - 8th OT

Other words to come soon on this as well.  The first sequence is for the four-line stanzas and the Gloria Patri.  The second is for the three-line stanzas.

Non nobis,

5/27/08 Second Psalm - Corpus Christi

Sorry I'm just getting this up.  Other words to come soon.

Non nobis,

Monday, May 26, 2008

5/26/08 First Psalm - 8th OT

I just realized that I forgot to (1)add the doxology to the end and (2)remove the stems for the verses of the psalm for Corpus Christi.  I guess I'll fix those when I fix the Magnificat of 7th OT.  After all, I didn't specify that the piece would be perfectly formatted every day ;)  The music is there, and that's what counts.

Also, I am exploring several options for uploading audio files of the pieces.  When that happens, I'll of course add audio to all the previous posts.  Please pray with me that I can find a way to do so affordably, because it would help more people experience the music.  There aren't many of us who enjoy looking at sheet music alone.

Non nobis,

5/26/08 First Psalm - Corpus Christi

Just so you know, any time I put slash marks into the lyrics, it indicates a slight pause.  In this case, it's because that's the end of the line in a stanza of the psalm.  For instance,

The Lord's revelation to my Master: / "Sit on my right:
your foes I will put beneath your feet."

is really

The Lord's revelation to my Master:
"Sit on my right:
your foes I will put beneath your feet."

Non nobis,

Sunday, May 25, 2008

5/25/08 Versicles - 8th OT

Here's wave two; sorry it's so late!

Non nobis,

5/25/08 Versicles - Corpus Christi

I ran into a problem today, and I had a big decision to make.  For moveable feasts that are transferred to the nearest Sunday, which do I do: the feast, or the Sunday?  Take today, for instance.  If I did Corpus Christi, my work couldn't be performed on the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time.  But if I did the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, there would be no proper performance for Corpus Christi every year.  In the end, I decided to do both.  It will mean more work for me, but in the end I think it will improve the result.  This way, the work really will be able to be performed every Sunday of the year.  The versicles for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time will be up later tonight.

Non nobis,

Saturday, May 24, 2008

5/24/08 Intercessions - 7th OT

The response is labeled as "Choir," but when sung with a congregation, they should sing the Soprano part.  The verses should only be sung by the celebrant and choir, though.

Non nobis,

Friday, May 23, 2008

5/23/08 Magnificat - 7th OT

Sorry for the lateness and incompleteness.  I have all of the music written; however, I have not yet typeset all of the words to it yet.  I will upload it the version with all of the words as soon as I have it finished.

Non nobis,

Thursday, May 22, 2008

5/22/08 Responsory - 7th OT

Here it is: my very first song for CQ! Unfortunately, I am not able to post an audio file at this time. However, I hope to be able to do so in the future. This one is dedicated to all the folks at DCF, especially those who helped me plan this blog.

Non nobis,


Non nobis Domine non nobis sed nomine tuo da gloriam.
(Not to us, O Lord, not to us; but to thy name give glory.)

Welcome to my new blog!  My name is Adam, and I am a sophomore in college studying Music Composition.  I write music for the Church and hope to be musical director of a parish one day, if that's where the Lord calls me.  As the description says, this is part exercise and part prayer.  My basic idea is to write one song every day for 365 days, thus having written a song for every day of the year.  I am starting my blog today, on the Feast of St. Romanus of Subiaco, which is exactly 6 months from the Feast of St. Cecilia, Patron Saint of Music.

For text, I will be using the Sunday Vespers (Evening Prayer II) of the Liturgy of the Hours.  On Sunday, I'll set the opening and closing versicles of that day.  On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I'll set the First Psalm and its antiphon, the Second Psalm and its antiphon, and the Canticle and its antiphon, respectively.  Thursdays will be the Responsory, and Fridays will be the Magnificat with its antiphon.  On Saturday, I'll set the Intercessions.  By the end of the week, I'll have written music for the complete service, excluding the hymn (which is already set to music), the reading (which can be read or recited recto tono), and the prayer (which can also be read or recited).

These pieces will indeed be copyrighted.  Feel free to share these pieces with others, but I ask that you do it by directing them to this site and not by downloading the music.  Also, please do not perform this music in any form without prior permission in writing.  I'll more than likely give you permission; I'd just like to know some details about the performance first.  I welcome and appreciate your comments and feedback on this journey, as well as any support you can throw my way (it's going to be tough to keep this up).  Any prayers are greatly appreciated.

I will post today's work later in the day.  Until then, thanks for listening!

Non nobis,